Sustainable Views

Sustainable Views


Exhibition Date: from July 20th to 24th, 2021
Opening: July 20th from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Gallery opening hours: Monday to Saturday | 4 pm to 8 pm



Curated by: IF – Imagine the Future

Winner artists: Giacomo Graziano & Riccardo Grando, Marta Ciolkowska,

Special Mention: Giovanni Chiamenti

Mapping selected artists: Mustapha Benghernaout, Sandrine Deumier, Studio Fuzzy, Zoe

Gruni, Paulius Sliupa, Emanuele Dainotti, Hana Yoo, Sandra Lapage


Espronceda – Institute of Art and Culture se complace en presentar la exposición “Vistas Sostenibles”, comisariada por IF – Imagine the Future, basada en la convocatoria abierta homónima (Dove lo Getto) dirigido a artistas activos en el campo del videoarte e interesados ​​en ofrecer una visión creativa sobre el tema de la sostenibilidad ambiental y social. El proyecto nació gracias a la colaboración entre Instituciones Internacionales: Turín, Biella (Italia) y Barcelona (España): Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, PAV – Parco Arte Vivente, Espronceda – Instituto de Arte y Cultura, Ok Bio, IF.

La exposición “Vistas sostenibles” se presenta como uno de los premios que se ofrecen a los artistas ganadores de la convocatoria abierta, a la que los organismos colaboradores han decidido apoyar a otros ocho artistas considerados dignos de exposición. La intención de potenciar aquellas obras de videoarte y realidad virtual que muestren una profunda reflexión sobre el tema de la sostenibilidad. Los artistas, cada uno con su propio lenguaje creativo y expresivo, a través de sus obras pretenden concienciar sobre el tema de la sostenibilidad ambiental y social a través de diferentes enfoques: crítico, utópico o proactivo. Las obras expuestas ofrecen así una amplia reflexión sobre el cambio climático, sobre la necesidad de un reciclaje responsable, sobre la salvaguarda del ecosistema natural y sobre una visión de futuro poshumana, zoeigualitaria y ecofeminista. En esta época caracterizada por el antropocentrismo y las crisis climáticas urgentes, el arte asume más que nunca un importante papel educativo y ético a través del cual leer la historia ambiental actual y al mismo tiempo convertirse en una forma de expresión profunda, un motor de conciencia y cambio, para conducir a la aparición de comportamientos resilientes frente a los problemas ecológicos actuales.

El autor de Bottlefield fue premiado con la Residencia UNIDEE, promovida por Cittadellarte – Fundación Pistoletto, residencia artística de una semana; Los autores de Against the Tide, por su parte, recibirán el Premio Taller, promovido por Parco Arte Vivente, que incluye la participación en un taller realizado por los artistas incluidos en el programa de arte de la PAV, con la presentación de su obra en el Parco. Arte Vivente. Las dos obras ganadoras, junto con la mención de honor Overlayed Symbiosis de Giovanni Chiamenti, se presentan en Espronceda, Instituto de Arte y Cultura de Barcelona y en Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto el 30 de octubre con motivo de Arte al Centro.


Artistas y obras ganadores

Giacomo Graziano & Riccardo Grando, AGAINST THE TIDE  (CONTRA LA MAREA) – (Ganadores)

Esta es la historia de la Environmental Foundation for Africa, una organización nacida en Sierra Leona en oposición a los dramáticos eventos sociales y climáticos del país. A pesar de una guerra civil de casi diez años y una epidemia de ébola más reciente que afectó a miles de personas, la EPT siempre ha tratado de ayudar a la comunidad mediante la introducción de programas ecológicos. A través de las palabras del fundador Tommy Garnett, el documental relata los desafíos y eventos desde 1992 hasta la actualidad.

Giacomo Graziano es psicólogo y director. Cofundador de Krolik Films Production, productora independiente nacida en Turín en 2017. Ha escrito varios cortometrajes y colaborado con productoras nacionales e internacionales. Hoy trabaja como Data Manager en el mundo de la televisión y como director y copywriter de Krolik Films.

Riccardo Grando es licenciado en Artes, Música y Artes Escénicas. Como director, editor y operador ha tenido diversas experiencias en el campo de la comunicación y el video-marketing a través de su formación profesional con importantes agencias y empresas del norte de Italia. Hoy trabaja como videasta para Treedom Italia.


Marta Ciolkowska – BOTTLEFIELD (Winner)

Los humanos han usado armas durante demasiados años para matarse unos a otros. Pero parece que han adoptado, cada vez más en los últimos años, otro invento nacido para ayudar a las personas en su vida en común: el plástico. Un material que ha resultado ser un arma, incluso más poderosa que las bombas y los fusiles, una “plaga” que poco a poco afecta a toda la humanidad. En el video de “Bottlefield”, nos encontramos bajo el agua, como si estuviéramos nadando y mirando hacia el cielo, cuando de repente comenzamos a ver tapas de botellas, aterrizando con fuerza en la superficie del agua. Al igual que las bombas reales, la escena se va llenando de tapones de plástico, que restringen (cada vez más) la vista y reducen los últimos rayos de sol que penetran por ellos. Oímos un ruido frenético, luego un estruendo fuerte que hace que la imponente masa plástica se mueva hacia el fondo, cuando inmediatamente después vemos una mano hurgando en el montón de tapas de botellas que desciende cada vez más al fondo arrastrándonos a la superficie. Con el video “Bottlefield” se plantean importantes cuestiones a las que el ser humano necesariamente debe responder y encontrar, con diligente cuidado y acciones, soluciones válidas para evitar su desaparición y extinción definitiva.

Marta Ciolkowska tiene una Maestría en Diseño de Interiores de la Academia de Bellas Artes Strzemiński en Łódź (Polonia). Se ocupa de la gráfica, la escultura, el vídeo y la instalación. Tuvo la oportunidad de colaborar con artistas polacos e italianos como Piotr Janowski, Marinella Senatore, Alosha, Francesco Di Giovanni. Está presente en numerosos catálogos y publicaciones de exposiciones y eventos artísticos.



Giovanni Chiamenti, OVERLAYED SYMBIOSIS (Special Mention)

“Overlayed Symbiosis” reflexiona sobre el papel y comportamiento del hombre dentro de su ecosistema, como una entidad determinada por un dinámico y complejo sistema de relaciones e interdependencias, a partir del concepto de “simpoiesis” analizado por Donna Haraway. El ser humano como compost debe convivir y convivir con otras criaturas terrestres haciendo parientes, es decir, estableciendo lazos simbióticos que podrían ser útiles para regenerar la fractura con la naturaleza provocada por ellos. Compost significa mundanalidad. No todo el mundo tiene el mismo peso dentro de ella, hay quienes son más responsables que otros en este incesante trabajo de composición-descomposición. Para vivir juntos en nuestro planeta no necesitamos antagonismo sino sintonía; sin visión de túnel sino más bien multifocalidad; no alienación sino más bien simbiosis. Ya no existe una distinción entre huésped y parásito.

Giovanni Chiamenti tiene una maestría en pintura de la Academia de Bellas Artes de Brera en Milán. Ha expuesto en varias exposiciones colectivas en Italia y en el extranjero y ha participado en talleres con artistas internacionales como Jorge Peris y Mathieu Bernard-Reymond. En 2018 estuvo en residencia en la Escuela de Artes Visuales de Nueva York y entre los finalistas del Premio Francesco Fabbri de Arte Contemporáneo. En 2019 inauguró su primera exposición individual en spazioSERRA (Milán, IT). En 2021 ocupó el segundo lugar en el Premio Exibart e inauguró dos exposiciones individuales en los espacios de la Galería Daniele Agostini (Lugano, CH) y la Galería Marrocco (Nápoles, IT).


Durante la exposición también se presentará una reseña de las obras seleccionadas:

Sandrine Deumier – Falling
Tekla Gedeon & Sebastian Gschanes (Studio Fuzzy) – Extended Forest
Zoe Gruni – Segunda Pele
Paulius Šliaupa – Ritual
Mustapha Benghernaout – Aman Iman (Water Is Life)
Emanuele Dainotti – Footprint / Chapter Belgium
Hana Yoo – Antropology Of Dead Body
Sandra Lapage – Sharp Garments For Desperate Shamans: Carapace



Espronceda – Institute of Art and Culture es un centro innovador de producción artística contemporánea fundado en 2013 en Barcelona. Espronceda ofrece una plataforma internacional y un entorno multidisciplinar para artistas, curadores y todos aquellos que creen en la importancia del arte, la cultura y la educación. El centro promueve a artistas consagrados y aspirantes y los acompaña a desarrollar sus proyectos y creatividad y a difundir la inspiración más allá de su permanencia física en el espacio.

Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto: es una fundación artística y cultural dedicada desde hace más de 20 años al estudio, experimentación y desarrollo de prácticas para la transformación social responsable a través de la interacción directa con el arte.

PAV – Living Art Park: es un centro experimental de arte contemporáneo, lugar de encuentro y laboratorio de experiencias orientadas al diálogo entre arte y naturaleza, biotecnología y ecología, entre público y artistas. Colectivo IF: se ocupa del estudio, diseño, comisariado y preparación de exposiciones, eventos y actividades artístico-culturales con el objetivo de informar y sensibilizar a la ciudadanía sobre temas ambientales y sociales de importancia de manera innovadora.

Ok Bio: una nueva marca enfocada en productos compostables desechables para la hostelería, en línea con las nuevas políticas europeas en materia de plásticos de un solo uso.


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Exhibition – Sustainable Views – 20.07.2021 @7pm


Exhibition Date: from July 20th to 24th, 2021
Opening: July 20th from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Gallery opening hours: Monday to Saturday | 4 pm to 8 pm



Curated by: IF – Imagine the Future
Alessia Gervasone, Alice Porasso, Roberta Petrone,
Noemi Givone Toro, Elain Carmen Bonsangue

Winner artists:
Giacomo Graziano & Riccardo Grando, Marta Ciolkowska,

Special Mention:
Giovanni Chiamenti

Mapping selected artists:
Mustapha Benghernaout, Sandrine Deumier, Studio Fuzzy, Zoe Gruni, Paulius Sliupa, Emanuele Dainotti, Hana Yoo, Sandra Lapage

Artistic Director:
Savina Tarsitano

Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto
PAV – Living Art Park
Ok Bio

Espronceda – Institute of Art and Culture is pleased to present the exhibition “Sustainable Views”, curated by IF – Imagine the Future, based on the homonymous open call (Dove lo Getto)
addressed to artists active in the field of video art and interested in offering a vision creative on the theme of environmental and social sustainability. The project was born thanks to the collaboration between International Istitutions: Turin, Biella (Italy) and Barcelona (Spain): Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, PAV – Parco Arte Vivente, Espronceda – Institute of Art & Culture, Ok Bio, IF.

The “Sustainable Views” exhibition is presented as one of the prizes offered to the winning artists of the open call, to which the collaborating bodies have decided to support eight other artists deemed worthy of exposure. The intention to enhance those works of video art and virtual reality that show a profound reflection on the theme of sustainability. The artists, each with their own creative and expressive language, through their works intend to raise awareness on the theme of environmental and social sustainability through different approaches: critical, utopian or proactive. The works on display thus offer a broad reflection on climate change, on the need for responsible recycling, on the safeguarding of the natural ecosystem and on a post human, zoegalitarian and ecofeminist vision of the future. In this era characterized by anthropocentrism and urgent climatic crises, art assumes more than ever an important educational and ethical role through which to read the current environmenta history and at the same time become a form of profound expression, an engine of awareness and change, to lead to the emergence of resilient behaviors towards current ecological problems.

The author of Bottlefield was awarded the UNIDEE Residency, promoted by Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation, one-week art residency; the authors of Against the Tide, on the other hand, will receive the Workshop Award, promoted by Parco Arte Vivente, which includes participation in a workshop conducted by the artists featured in the PAV art program, with the presentation of their work at the Parco Arte Vivente. The two winning works, together with the honorable mention Overlayed Symbiosis by Giovanni Chiamenti, are presented at Espronceda, Institute of Art & Culture in Barcelona and at Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto on October 30 on the occasion of Arte al Centro.


Winning artists and works

Giacomo Graziano & Riccardo Grando, AGAINST THE TIDE (Winners)

This is the story of the Environmental Foundation for Africa, an organization born in Sierra Leone in opposition to the dramatic social and climatic events in the country. Despite a nearly ten-year civil war and a more recent Ebola epidemic affecting thousands of people, EFA has always tried to be there for the community by introducing green programs. Through the words of the founder Tommy Garnett, the documentary tells the challenges and events from 1992 to the present day.

Giacomo Graziano is a psychologist and director. Co-founder of Krolik Films Production, an independent production company born in Turin in 2017. He has written several short films and collaborated with national and international production companies. Today he works as a Data Manager in the television world and as a director and copywriter of Krolik Films.

Riccardo Grando has a degree in Arts, Music and Performing Arts. As a director, editor and operator he has had various experiences in the field of communication and video-marketing through his professional training with important agencies and companies in Northern Italy. Today he works as a videomaker for Treedom Italia.



Marta Ciolkowska – BOTTLEFIELD (Winner)

Humans have used weapons for too many years to kill each other. But it seems that they have adopted, more and more in recent years, another invention born to help people in their common life: plastic. A material that has turned out to be a weapon, even more powerful than bombs and guns, a “plague” that slowly affects the whole of humanity. In the “Bottlefield” video, we find ourselves underwater, as if we are swimming and looking up at the sky, when suddenly we begin to see bottle caps, vigorously landing on the surface of the water. Just like real bombs, the scene gradually fills with plastic caps, which (increasingly) restrict the view and reduce the last rays of sunlight that penetrate through them. We hear a frantic noise, then a loud crash that makes the imposing plastic mass move towards the bottom, when immediately after we see a hand rummaging in the pile of bottle caps that descends more and more to the bottom dragging us to the surface. With the video “Bottlefield” important questions are posed to which the human being must necessarily answer and find, with diligent care and actions, valid solutions to avoid their disappearance and definitive extinction.

Marta Ciolkowska has a Masters in Interior Design from the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź (Poland). She deals with graphics, sculpture, video and installation. She had the opportunity to collaborate with Polish and Italian artists such as Piotr Janowski, Marinella Senatore, Alosha, Francesco Di Giovanni. She is present in numerous catalogs and publications of exhibitions and artistic events.



Giovanni Chiamenti, OVERLAYED SYMBIOSIS (Special Mention)

“Overlayed Symbiosis” reflects on the role and behavior of man within his ecosystem, as an entity determined by a dynamic and complex system of relationships and interdependencies, starting from the concept of “sympoiesis” analyzed by Donna Haraway. Human beings as compost must coexist and coexist with other earthly creatures by making relatives, that is, establishing symbiotic bonds that could be useful in regenerating the fracture with nature caused by them. Compost means worldliness. Not everyone carries the same weight within it, there are those who are more responsible than others in this incessant work of composition-decomposition. To live together on our planet we do not need antagonism but rather tuning; no tunnel vision but rather multifocality; no alienation but rather symbiosis. There is no longer a distinction between host and parasite.

Giovanni Chiamenti holds a master’s degree in painting from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. He has exhibited in several group exhibitions in Italy and abroad and has participated in workshops with international artists including Jorge Peris and Mathieu Bernard-Reymond. In 2018 he was in residenc at the School of Visual Arts in New York and among the finalists of the Francesco Fabbri Prize for Contemporary Arts. In 2019 he inaugurated his first solo exhibition at spazioSERRA (Milan, IT). In 2021 he was ranked second in the Exibart Prize and inaugurated two solo exhibitions in the spaces of the Daniele Agostini Gallery (Lugano, CH) and the Marrocco Gallery (Naples, IT).


Mapping Selected Artists

Sandrine Deumier – Falling
Tekla Gedeon & Sebastian Gschanes (Studio Fuzzy) – Extended Forest
Zoe Gruni – Segunda Pele
Paulius Šliaupa – Ritual
Mustapha Benghernaout – Aman Iman (Water Is Life)
Emanuele Dainotti – Footprint / Chapter Belgium
Hana Yoo – Antropology Of Dead Body
Sandra Lapage – Sharp Garments For Desperate Shamans: Carapace




Espronceda – Institute of Art & Culture: is an innovative center of contemporary artistic production founded in 2013 in Barcelona. Espronceda offers an international platform and a multidisciplinary environment for artists, curators and all those who believe in the importance of art, culture and education. The center promotes established and aspiring artists and accompanies them to develop their projects and creativity and to spread inspiration beyond their physical permanence in space.

CollettivoIF: IF stands for Imagining the Future and is also the English translation of our hypothetical “what if”: what if we tried to shift our point of view and look at reality with a wider perspective? If our attitude towards the Planet and all its inhabitants were more sensitive and tolerant, what would change?
Through art, creativity, digital innovation, social innovation and philosophy, the IF Collective studies, designs, curates and organises exhibitions, events and artistic and cultural activities with the aim of raising awareness and informing the public about important environmental and social issues in an innovative way.
Artistic, scientific and philosophical research can be an engine for awareness and change, helping us to imagine a future that allows us to overcome anthropocentrism and safeguard the ecosystem in which we live.

Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto: is an artistic and cultural foundation dedicated since more than 20 years to the study, experimentation and development of practices for responsible social transformation through direct interaction with art.

PAV – Living Art Park: it is an experimental center of contemporary art, a meeting place and laboratory experiences aimed at the dialogue between art and nature, biotechnology and ecology, between the public and artists. IF Collective: deals with the study, design, curation and preparation of exhibitions, events and artistic-cultural activities with the aim of informing and sensitizing citizenship on environmental and social issues of importance in an innovative way.

Ok Bio: a new brand focused on disposable compostable products for the catering industry, in line with the new European policies regarding single-use plastics.


[supsystic-gallery id=11 position=center]

Exhibition – Sustainable Views – 20.07.2021 @7pm


Exhibition Date: from July 20th to 24th, 2021
Opening: July 20th from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Gallery opening hours: Monday to Saturday | 4 pm to 8 pm



Curated by: IF – Imagine the Future
Alessia Gervasone, Alice Porasso, Roberta Petrone,
Noemi Givone Toro, Elain Carmen Bonsangue

Winner artists:
Giacomo Graziano & Riccardo Grando, Marta Ciolkowska,

Special Mention:
Giovanni Chiamenti

Mapping selected artists:
Mustapha Benghernaout, Sandrine Deumier, Studio Fuzzy, Zoe Gruni, Paulius Sliupa, Emanuele Dainotti, Hana Yoo, Sandra Lapage

Artistic Director:
Savina Tarsitano

Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto
PAV – Living Art Park
Ok Bio

Espronceda – Institute of Art and Culture is pleased to present the exhibition “Sustainable Views”, curated by IF – Imagine the Future, based on the homonymous open call (Dove lo Getto)
addressed to artists active in the field of video art and interested in offering a vision creative on the theme of environmental and social sustainability. The project was born thanks to the collaboration between International Istitutions: Turin, Biella (Italy) and Barcelona (Spain): Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, PAV – Parco Arte Vivente, Espronceda – Institute of Art & Culture, Ok Bio, IF.

The “Sustainable Views” exhibition is presented as one of the prizes offered to the winning artists of the open call, to which the collaborating bodies have decided to support eight other artists deemed worthy of exposure. The intention to enhance those works of video art and virtual reality that show a profound reflection on the theme of sustainability. The artists, each with their own creative and expressive language, through their works intend to raise awareness on the theme of environmental and social sustainability through different approaches: critical, utopian or proactive. The works on display thus offer a broad reflection on climate change, on the need for responsible recycling, on the safeguarding of the natural ecosystem and on a post human, zoegalitarian and ecofeminist vision of the future. In this era characterized by anthropocentrism and urgent climatic crises, art assumes more than ever an important educational and ethical role through which to read the current environmenta history and at the same time become a form of profound expression, an engine of awareness and change, to lead to the emergence of resilient behaviors towards current ecological problems.

The author of Bottlefield was awarded the UNIDEE Residency, promoted by Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation, one-week art residency; the authors of Against the Tide, on the other hand, will receive the Workshop Award, promoted by Parco Arte Vivente, which includes participation in a workshop conducted by the artists featured in the PAV art program, with the presentation of their work at the Parco Arte Vivente. The two winning works, together with the honorable mention Overlayed Symbiosis by Giovanni Chiamenti, are presented at Espronceda, Institute of Art & Culture in Barcelona and at Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto on October 30 on the occasion of Arte al Centro.


Winning artists and works

Giacomo Graziano & Riccardo Grando, AGAINST THE TIDE (Winners)

This is the story of the Environmental Foundation for Africa, an organization born in Sierra Leone in opposition to the dramatic social and climatic events in the country. Despite a nearly ten-year civil war and a more recent Ebola epidemic affecting thousands of people, EFA has always tried to be there for the community by introducing green programs. Through the words of the founder Tommy Garnett, the documentary tells the challenges and events from 1992 to the present day.

Giacomo Graziano is a psychologist and director. Co-founder of Krolik Films Production, an independent production company born in Turin in 2017. He has written several short films and collaborated with national and international production companies. Today he works as a Data Manager in the television world and as a director and copywriter of Krolik Films.

Riccardo Grando has a degree in Arts, Music and Performing Arts. As a director, editor and operator he has had various experiences in the field of communication and video-marketing through his professional training with important agencies and companies in Northern Italy. Today he works as a videomaker for Treedom Italia.



Marta Ciolkowska – BOTTLEFIELD (Winner)

Humans have used weapons for too many years to kill each other. But it seems that they have adopted, more and more in recent years, another invention born to help people in their common life: plastic. A material that has turned out to be a weapon, even more powerful than bombs and guns, a “plague” that slowly affects the whole of humanity. In the “Bottlefield” video, we find ourselves underwater, as if we are swimming and looking up at the sky, when suddenly we begin to see bottle caps, vigorously landing on the surface of the water. Just like real bombs, the scene gradually fills with plastic caps, which (increasingly) restrict the view and reduce the last rays of sunlight that penetrate through them. We hear a frantic noise, then a loud crash that makes the imposing plastic mass move towards the bottom, when immediately after we see a hand rummaging in the pile of bottle caps that descends more and more to the bottom dragging us to the surface. With the video “Bottlefield” important questions are posed to which the human being must necessarily answer and find, with diligent care and actions, valid solutions to avoid their disappearance and definitive extinction.

Marta Ciolkowska has a Masters in Interior Design from the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź (Poland). She deals with graphics, sculpture, video and installation. She had the opportunity to collaborate with Polish and Italian artists such as Piotr Janowski, Marinella Senatore, Alosha, Francesco Di Giovanni. She is present in numerous catalogs and publications of exhibitions and artistic events.



Giovanni Chiamenti, OVERLAYED SYMBIOSIS (Special Mention)

“Overlayed Symbiosis” reflects on the role and behavior of man within his ecosystem, as an entity determined by a dynamic and complex system of relationships and interdependencies, starting from the concept of “sympoiesis” analyzed by Donna Haraway. Human beings as compost must coexist and coexist with other earthly creatures by making relatives, that is, establishing symbiotic bonds that could be useful in regenerating the fracture with nature caused by them. Compost means worldliness. Not everyone carries the same weight within it, there are those who are more responsible than others in this incessant work of composition-decomposition. To live together on our planet we do not need antagonism but rather tuning; no tunnel vision but rather multifocality; no alienation but rather symbiosis. There is no longer a distinction between host and parasite.

Giovanni Chiamenti holds a master’s degree in painting from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. He has exhibited in several group exhibitions in Italy and abroad and has participated in workshops with international artists including Jorge Peris and Mathieu Bernard-Reymond. In 2018 he was in residenc at the School of Visual Arts in New York and among the finalists of the Francesco Fabbri Prize for Contemporary Arts. In 2019 he inaugurated his first solo exhibition at spazioSERRA (Milan, IT). In 2021 he was ranked second in the Exibart Prize and inaugurated two solo exhibitions in the spaces of the Daniele Agostini Gallery (Lugano, CH) and the Marrocco Gallery (Naples, IT).


Mapping Selected Artists

Sandrine Deumier – Falling
Tekla Gedeon & Sebastian Gschanes (Studio Fuzzy) – Extended Forest
Zoe Gruni – Segunda Pele
Paulius Šliaupa – Ritual
Mustapha Benghernaout – Aman Iman (Water Is Life)
Emanuele Dainotti – Footprint / Chapter Belgium
Hana Yoo – Antropology Of Dead Body
Sandra Lapage – Sharp Garments For Desperate Shamans: Carapace




Espronceda – Institute of Art & Culture: is an innovative center of contemporary artistic production founded in 2013 in Barcelona. Espronceda offers an international platform and a multidisciplinary environment for artists, curators and all those who believe in the importance of art, culture and education. The center promotes established and aspiring artists and accompanies them to develop their projects and creativity and to spread inspiration beyond their physical permanence in space.

CollettivoIF: IF stands for Imagining the Future and is also the English translation of our hypothetical “what if”: what if we tried to shift our point of view and look at reality with a wider perspective? If our attitude towards the Planet and all its inhabitants were more sensitive and tolerant, what would change?
Through art, creativity, digital innovation, social innovation and philosophy, the IF Collective studies, designs, curates and organises exhibitions, events and artistic and cultural activities with the aim of raising awareness and informing the public about important environmental and social issues in an innovative way.
Artistic, scientific and philosophical research can be an engine for awareness and change, helping us to imagine a future that allows us to overcome anthropocentrism and safeguard the ecosystem in which we live.

Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto: is an artistic and cultural foundation dedicated since more than 20 years to the study, experimentation and development of practices for responsible social transformation through direct interaction with art.

PAV – Living Art Park: it is an experimental center of contemporary art, a meeting place and laboratory experiences aimed at the dialogue between art and nature, biotechnology and ecology, between the public and artists. IF Collective: deals with the study, design, curation and preparation of exhibitions, events and artistic-cultural activities with the aim of informing and sensitizing citizenship on environmental and social issues of importance in an innovative way.

Ok Bio: a new brand focused on disposable compostable products for the catering industry, in line with the new European policies regarding single-use plastics.


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