Survey Sea, curated by Valentina Casacchia 11/04 @19h

Survey Sea, curated by Valentina Casacchia 11/04 @19h

Thursday, 11/04/19

What according to many thinkers today is one of the greatest crises in modern Europe does not lie upon economic terms, rather on its difficult relationship with the past. The only place where the past can live is the present, and if the present no longer feels its past as alive we find it difficult to eventually move forward. Past and Present have more and more become categories of a horizontal flat imagery where social media celebrations of ordinary actions mix with violence, nonsense, dangerous politics, hate. 

As a small contribution to a wider reflection towards narration engaged in a long term discussion still ongoing, Bruno Marrapodi presents here a series of sketches coming from his series of “Sea painting”, where beaches and sea design a new symbolic vocabulary crossing different times and moods. The installation is conceived as palimpsest of drawings and projected original images.

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Survey Sea, curated by Valentina Casacchia 11/04 @19h

Dijous, 04/11/19

El que segons molts pensadors d’avui és una de les crisis més grans d’Europa moderna no rau en termes econòmics, sinó en la seva difícil relació amb el passat. L’únic lloc on el passat pot viure és el present i, si el present ja no sent el seu passat tan viu, ens és difícil acabar endavant. El passat i el present han esdevingut cada cop més categories d’imatgeria plana horitzontal on les celebracions en accions ordinàries de les xarxes socials es barregen amb violència, absurd, política perillosa, odi.

Com a petita contribució a una reflexió més àmplia cap a la narració dedicada a una discussió a llarg termini encara en curs, Bruno Marrapodi presenta aquí una sèrie d’esbossos provinents de la seva sèrie de “Pintura al mar”, on platges i mar dissenyen un nou vocabulari simbòlic que travessa diferents èpoques i estats d’ànim. La instal·lació es concep com a palimpsest de dibuixos i imatges originals projectades.

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Survey Sea, curated by Valentina Casacchia 11/04 @19h

Thursday, 11/04/19

What according to many thinkers today is one of the greatest crises in modern Europe does not lie upon economic terms, rather on its difficult relationship with the past. The only place where the past can live is the present, and if the present no longer feels its past as alive we find it difficult to eventually move forward. Past and Present have more and more become categories of a horizontal flat imagery where social media celebrations of ordinary actions mix with violence, nonsense, dangerous politics, hate. 

As a small contribution to a wider reflection towards narration engaged in a long term discussion still ongoing, Bruno Marrapodi presents here a series of sketches coming from his series of “Sea painting”, where beaches and sea design a new symbolic vocabulary crossing different times and moods. The installation is conceived as palimpsest of drawings and projected original images.

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