New Faustian World
With the cooperation of Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona, Espronceda Center for Art & Culture, Barcelona is pleased to present NewFaustianWorld, the book by Italian art curator Raffaele Quattrone published by 24 ORE Cultura – Gruppo 24 ORE, a leading Italian newspaper. It will be shown also the documentary created by Piero Passaro, and produced by Theater 7/2 Productions, already awarded at 6 on Nebraska Film Festival (Cape Town, South Africa) and RAGFF Venezia 2018.
After the success in Italy where it was presented at MACRO, Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Roma and Real Academia de España en Roma and following the presentations in France, South Africa, India… NFW will be in Spain thanks to Espronceda.
In a world where the destiny of man seems resigned to have disappeared, Raffaele Quattrone involves 17 internationals artists with a Faustian Factor: a strong and recognizable artistic identity and an exasperated virtuosity that allows them to compete with the infinite possibilities of the computer, with
the precision of photographic evidence, with the reactions and relationships of video and performances.
NewFaustianWorld is the world of people like Goethe’s Faust, emblem of modern man, has an inner tension that pushes him not to settle for the norm but to make his own philosophy about how life is extraordinary, to go further, achieve new goals, to accept new challenges…