IMMENSATHON: Into The Human Labyrinth. Collective Exhibition

IMMENSATHON: Into The Human Labyrinth. Collective Exhibition


20 y 21 de mayo de 2021

Inauguración el 20.05.21 a las 18:00h. Abierto hasta las 22h.
El 21.05.21 de 18h a 22h.

Dirección: Carrer d’Espronceda 326, nave 5, Barcelona

Entrada gratuita (aforo limitado)


Desde IMMENSIVA, con la colaboración de Garage Stories y Be Another Lab, nos complace anunciar que la exhibición de IMMENSATHON se inaugurará el jueves 20 de mayo y estará abierta al público ese día y el siguiente. Os invitamos a todxs a visitarla; no os dejará indiferentes.
IMMENSATHON es un HackLab inmersivo e interactivo donde participarán artistas y creativos de distintas disciplinas y backgrounds, desde los que emplean medios tecnológicos a los que se basan en soportes artísticos analógicos. El resultado será la exhibición experimental colectiva “Into The Human Labyrinth”, fruto de la cocreación durante el HackLab del fin de semana anterior. El recorrido de la exhibición tendrá forma de laberinto y será diseñado por arquitectos y makers. A su vez, el laberinto contendrá las piezas de distintos soportes que los artistas participantes creen para la ocasión. Para ello, Espronceda ha pondrá a disposición de todos ellos los medios y recursos necesarios.
Mediante la combinación de medios emergentes, estas piezas experimentales nos harán reflexionar sobre la complejidad de las relaciones humanas y sobre un futuro donde la tecnología nos ayude a ser más humanos.
IMMENSATHON está planteado desde los principios de la nueva Bauhaus europea (New European Bauhaus), que quiere hacer del Pacto Verde una experiencia cultural, centrada en el ser humano, positiva y concreta. Todo el mundo debería ser capaz de sentir, ver y experimentar la transformación ecológica y digital y la manera en que mejora nuestra calidad de vida.

IMMENSATHON: Into The Human Labyrinth. Collective Exhibition 20.05.2021

May 20-21, 2021
Inauguration on 05/20/21 at 6:00 p.m. Open until 10pm.
On 05.21.21 from 6pm to 10pm.
Address: Carrer d’Espronceda 326, nave 5, Barcelona
Free entry (limited capacity)


From IMMENSIVA, with the collaboration of Garage Stories and Be Another Lab, we are pleased to announce that the IMMENSATHON exhibition will open on Thursday, May 20 and will be open to the public that day and the next. We invite you all to visit it; It will not leave you indifferent.

IMMENSATHON is an immersive and interactive HackLab where artists and creatives from different disciplines and backgrounds will participate, from those that use technological means to those that are based on analog artistic supports. The result will be the collective experimental exhibition “Into The Human Labyrinth”, the result of co-creation during the HackLab last weekend. The route of the exhibition will be in the shape of a maze and will be designed by architects and makers. In turn, the labyrinth will contain the pieces of different supports that the participating artists create for the occasion. For this, Espronceda has made the necessary means and resources available to all of them.

Through the combination of emerging media, these experimental pieces will make us reflect on the complexity of human relationships and on a future where technology helps us to be more human.

IMMENSATHON is raised from the principles of the new European Bauhaus (New European Bauhaus), which wants to make the Green Pact a cultural experience, centered on the human being, positive and concrete. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience ecological and digital transformation and the way it improves our quality of life.

IMMENSATHON: Into The Human Labyrinth. Collective Exhibition 20.05.2021

May 20-21, 2021
Inauguration on 05/20/21 at 6:00 p.m. Open until 10pm.
On 05.21.21 from 6pm to 10pm.
Address: Carrer d’Espronceda 326, nave 5, Barcelona
Free entry (limited capacity)


From IMMENSIVA, with the collaboration of Garage Stories and Be Another Lab, we are pleased to announce that the IMMENSATHON exhibition will open on Thursday, May 20 and will be open to the public that day and the next. We invite you all to visit it; It will not leave you indifferent.

IMMENSATHON is an immersive and interactive HackLab where artists and creatives from different disciplines and backgrounds will participate, from those that use technological means to those that are based on analog artistic supports. The result will be the collective experimental exhibition “Into The Human Labyrinth”, the result of co-creation during the HackLab last weekend. The route of the exhibition will be in the shape of a maze and will be designed by architects and makers. In turn, the labyrinth will contain the pieces of different supports that the participating artists create for the occasion. For this, Espronceda has made the necessary means and resources available to all of them.

Through the combination of emerging media, these experimental pieces will make us reflect on the complexity of human relationships and on a future where technology helps us to be more human.

IMMENSATHON is raised from the principles of the new European Bauhaus (New European Bauhaus), which wants to make the Green Pact a cultural experience, centered on the human being, positive and concrete. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience ecological and digital transformation and the way it improves our quality of life.

IMMENSATHON: Into The Human Labyrinth. Collective Exhibition 20.05.2021

May 20-21, 2021
Inauguration on 05/20/21 at 6:00 p.m. Open until 10pm.
On 05.21.21 from 6pm to 10pm.
Address: Carrer d’Espronceda 326, nave 5, Barcelona
Free entry (limited capacity)


From IMMENSIVA, with the collaboration of Garage Stories and Be Another Lab, we are pleased to announce that the IMMENSATHON exhibition will open on Thursday, May 20 and will be open to the public that day and the next. We invite you all to visit it; It will not leave you indifferent.

IMMENSATHON is an immersive and interactive HackLab where artists and creatives from different disciplines and backgrounds will participate, from those that use technological means to those that are based on analog artistic supports. The result will be the collective experimental exhibition “Into The Human Labyrinth”, the result of co-creation during the HackLab last weekend. The route of the exhibition will be in the shape of a maze and will be designed by architects and makers. In turn, the labyrinth will contain the pieces of different supports that the participating artists create for the occasion. For this, Espronceda has made the necessary means and resources available to all of them.

Through the combination of emerging media, these experimental pieces will make us reflect on the complexity of human relationships and on a future where technology helps us to be more human.

IMMENSATHON is raised from the principles of the new European Bauhaus (New European Bauhaus), which wants to make the Green Pact a cultural experience, centered on the human being, positive and concrete. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience ecological and digital transformation and the way it improves our quality of life.