The Keyword is “The Acceptance”. Acceptance is the best way to be happy. We all find out the goal of life as happiness. And we try to do everything to reach the goal but we forget that the best way to reach it is by getting the acceptance of things both positive and negative that come through our lives.

If we are acceptable for everything that can possibly happen to our lives, happiness stays in our minds. It’s reasonable that positive things should happen to our lives and in the same way, negative things can also happen to our lives.

So happiness can happen both during the journey and at the destination of life if we are open to acceptance.

It’s no different with the artworks. When we create artworks there may be an immediate feedback to them.  This feedback can be both positive and negative, each one will possibly impact our minds. So this is what has to be accepted.

It would be a problem in our minds if we think only the good things (good feedback) will happen and the bad things won’t happen.

     “The artwork” is the spot of being conspicuous for receiving the throwing questions, ideas, comments etc. So, you are able to be a good creator (a good worker) when you can accept anything that happens.

“I’m OK” is the series that convey the concept of “ACCEPTANCE”. And acceptance is happiness.

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About the artist