EXÉGENIS POÉTICA by Siuro, curated by Maribel Navarro
The work is born from the sensitivity of recognizing, in each thing, the extreme fragility of existence and its inherent transience.
In this work everything coexists, but not as a fusion of opposites but as an approach to make poetry and life be intertwined to the point of barely distinguishing.
Dream world, landscapes of humanity with more interest in being.
Siuro is an artist of sensations and messages whose references include literature and, especially, poetry, from which he is inspired to create imagined worlds that appeal to the essence of human beings and their primary needs: that which is inexplicable but explains ourselves as humans and our relationship with nature and the cosmos.
The exhibition presented at Espronceda covers his journey over the last two years, where Siuro shows the dialogue resulting between the themes of his paintings. This tension is the common thread that crosses the body of his work, where beauty, spirit and harmony meet on the canvas with opposed and, at the same time, complementary themes such as darkness, matter and death. The exhibition asks for silence to ponder over an artistic work that elaborates ideas that materialize and relate to each other. For the artist, art is a way to approach his inner being.
Recently installed in Barcelona from his native Mallorca, Siuro exhibits his latest works in Espronceda where he expresses his need for beauty and explores, through pigments, emotions and constant transformation.
Maribel Navarro