Camera obscure experience_Motors & So with Guilhem Senges, 01/12 @11h30
Saturday, 01/12 @11h30
On the occasion of the exhibition “Motors & So” and the mechanic installation “Inventari Sonoro III”, which puts a spotlight on the Mercedes Van / Dark Room, the artist Guilhem Senges invites you to share the experience of the camera obscura in live … and some vermouth to celebrate 🙂
11.30 to 13h
> Large format analogue photography (150×150 cm) in the van/camera
> Reveal and washing
13 to 15h
> Drying and exposure
> Vermouth with a guided tour
As Senges is fascinated by experimentation, he turns the van into a camera obscura, where the van plays a double role, the one of ‘tool’ as well as of an interactive installation. The camera obscura is turned into a public space where the viewer has access by immersing into Senges’ captivating universe.
Exhibition from 22th November to 8th of December 2018
>Visits from Tuesday to Friday from 16h to 20h