I cried over spilt milk. By Leen Van Dommelen & Charlotte Flamand, 07/02 @19h30

I cried over spilt milk. By Leen Van Dommelen & Charlotte Flamand, 07/02 @19h30

07/02 @19h30

El Centro de Arte y Cultura Espronceda está muy orgulloso de presentar la segunda edición del Premio Espronceda/ArBA-EsA (Ecole supérieure des Arts) sobre la importancia de las mejores prácticas en el arte contemporáneo y el papel de las residencias para los jóvenes artistas al comienzo de su carrera. Espronceda y la Academia Real de Bellas Artes de Bruselas colaboran desde hace tres años para investigar cómo ayudar a los jóvenes artistas en el desarrollo de su carrera artistica. El proyecto se basa sobre la importancia del tiempo y espacio para crear y trabajar de forma independiente, sin influencias, facilitando y catalizando la capacidad de los artistas para moverse a través del mundo y el impacto de este tiempo creativo en su carrera. Este período de libertad permite al artista desarrollar una comprensión más profunda de sus límites, potencialidades, lenguaje artistica y temores al paso que permite a los jóvenes artistas que realicen nuevos trabajos en el sitio, investigando y generando nuevas perspectivas. El Premio apunta a subrayar la importancia de crear un puente entre universidades, centros de arte y galerías para construir nuevas alianzas; además, esta colaboración quiere demostrar y subrayar el papel de la residencia que tiene en cuenta la práctica artística contemporánea. El proyecto está bajo la responsabilidad de Savina Tarsitano junto con el coordinador artístico Enzo Pezzella. El premio incluye una residencia artística, mentor, seminarios, mesas redondas para el desarrollo de un diálogo más amplio a nivel europeo e internacional. Este año nos complace presentar a las dos jóvenes artistas: Charlotte Flamand (Francia) y Leen Van Dommelen (Bélgica), bajo una colaboración con la ciudad de Bruselas.


El 7 de febrero a las 19h30, horas de la apertura de “I cried on the spilt milk”, por Charlotte Flamand y Leen Van Dommelen.

El 8 de febrero a las 19h30, mesa redonda moderada por Savina Tarsitano sobre: “La relación entre arte, performance y lenguaje corporal: hacia nuevos desafíos, fronteras y alianzas” en presencia del coordinador artístico de Enzo Pezzella de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes e ISAC ( Institut Supérieur des Arts et Choreographie) de Bruselas, Manuel Canelles, entrenador, director y artista visual, Bolzano y Albert Mestres, poeta, artista, director de teatro.

Evento en el facebook

Sobre los artistas:

Leen Van Dommelen

Charlotte Flamand


I cried over spilt milk. By Leen Van Dommelen & Charlotte Flamand, 07/02 @19h30

07/02 @19h30

We, at Espronceda, are very proud to present the second edition of the Prize Espronceda/Arba-Esa on the importance of best practice in the contemporary art and the role of the residency for the young artists at the beginning of their career. Espronceda and the Royal Art Academy of Brussels are collaborating together since three years in order to research on how to help young artists in having time and space to create and work independently, without any influences, in facilitating and catalysing artists’ ability to move across the world and at least not least the impact of this creative period on their career. This period of freedom permits to the artist to develop a deeper understanding of their limits, potentialities and fears, moreover this period enable the young artists to do field work, to work on site, collect, experiment, research and generate new perspectives. The prize aims to underline the importance to create a bridge among universities, arts centres and galleries for building new alliances, moreover this collaboration wants to demonstrate and underline the role of residency that taking into account this contemporary artistic practice. The project is under the responsibility of Savina Tarsitano together with the artistic coordinator Vincenzo Pezzella. The prize includes an artistic residency, mentor, seminars, round tables for a wider dialogue at European and International level. This year we are pleased to host the two young artists: Charlotte Flamand (France) and Leen Van Dommelen (Belgium). This year the price is under the partnership of the city of Brussels.


on the 7th of February at 19.30 round table moderated by Savina Tarsitano on: “the relation between art, performance and body language: towards new challenges, borders and alliances” n presence of Vincenzo Pezzella artistic coordinator of the Royal Art Academy of Brussels and Manuel Canelles, coach, director and visual artist, Bolzano

on the 8th of February at 19.30 opening of I cried over spilt milk”, performance of Leen Van Dommelen

esdeveniment a Facebook

Sobre l’artistas:

Leen Van Dommelen

Charlotte Flamand


I cried over spilt milk. By Leen Van Dommelen & Charlotte Flamand, 07/02 @19h30

07/02 @19h30

We, at Espronceda, are very proud to present the second edition of the Prize Espronceda/Arba-Esa on the importance of best practice in the contemporary art and the role of the residency for the young artists at the beginning of their career. Espronceda and the Royal Art Academy of Brussels are collaborating together for the past three years in order to research on how to help young artists in having time and space to create and work independently, without any influences, in facilitating and catalysing artists’ abilities to move across the world fostering a meaningful creative period in their carrer.  This period of freedom allows the artists to develop a deeper understanding of their limits, potentialities, and fears, moreover this period enables the young artists to do field work, to work on site, to collect, to experiment, to research and to generate new perspectives. The prize aims to underline the importance to create a bridge among universities, arts centers and galleries for building new alliances. This collaboration wants to demonstrate and underline the role of residency while taking into account this contemporary artistic practice. The project is under the responsibility of Savina Tarsitano together with the artistic coordinator Vincenzo Pezzella. The prize includes an artistic residency, mentor, seminars, round tables for a wider dialogue at European and International level. This year we are pleased to host the two young artists: Charlotte Flamand (France) and Leen Van Dommelen (Belgium). This year’s price is under the partnership of the city of Brussels.


on the 7th of February at 19.30 round table moderated by Savina Tarsitano on: “the relation between art, performance and body language: towards new challenges, borders and alliances” n presence of Vincenzo Pezzella artistic coordinator of the Royal Art Academy of Brussels and Manuel Canelles, coach, director and visual artist, Bolzano

on the 8th of February at 19.30 opening of I cried over spilt milk”, performance of Leen Van Dommelen

Event on facebook

About the artists:

Leen Van Dommelen

Charlotte Flamand