India & Pakistan. Who are you? Who am I? by Judith Döker, 26/07 @20h

India & Pakistan. Who are you? Who am I? by Judith Döker, 26/07 @20h

Opening on Thursday, 26th of July, at 20h

The two nuclear powers India and Pakistan have a known hostile relationship towards each other. German artist Judith Döker chose not only to portray these two countries in a very personal way, but also to exhibit them: Side by side. This decision was influenced by the reoccurring questions Döker was asked during her travels on both sides of the border: How is it over there? Is it very different?

The division of the Indian subcontinent in the independent states India (for Hindus) and Pakistan (for Muslims) in 1947 marked the end of British colonial rule in the region. More than one million fell victim to this division and countless families were ripped apart. Until this day, there is barely an opportunity for Indians and Pakistanis to visit the other respective country.

Besides the division, the exhibition „Who Are You? Who Am I?“ focuses on the fear-ridden images both countries suffer from internationally. India is most commonly associated with gruesome rape cases since 2012. Pakistan has been labeled the „most dangerous country in the world“ by widespread Western media. But what about daily life in these countries, beyond these extremes? The gentle and touching aspects thereof? The human aspects? These, too, are part of everyday reality.

Focusing on these aspects can build bridges, instead of digging trenches –

and it is on these aspects that Döker’s gaze settles.

One of the photographs of this series was awarded the Honourable Mention at the International Photography Awards 2016 in the US.

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India & Pakistan. Who are you? Who am I? by Judith Döker, 26/07 @20h

Opening on Thursday, 26th of July, at 20h

The two nuclear powers India and Pakistan have a known hostile relationship towards each other. German artist Judith Döker chose not only to portray these two countries in a very personal way, but also to exhibit them: Side by side. This decision was influenced by the reoccurring questions Döker was asked during her travels on both sides of the border: How is it over there? Is it very different?

The division of the Indian subcontinent in the independent states India (for Hindus) and Pakistan (for Muslims) in 1947 marked the end of British colonial rule in the region. More than one million fell victim to this division and countless families were ripped apart. Until this day, there is barely an opportunity for Indians and Pakistanis to visit the other respective country.

Besides the division, the exhibition „Who Are You? Who Am I?“ focuses on the fear-ridden images both countries suffer from internationally. India is most commonly associated with gruesome rape cases since 2012. Pakistan has been labeled the „most dangerous country in the world“ by widespread Western media. But what about daily life in these countries, beyond these extremes? The gentle and touching aspects thereof? The human aspects? These, too, are part of everyday reality.

Focusing on these aspects can build bridges, instead of digging trenches –

and it is on these aspects that Döker’s gaze settles.

One of the photographs of this series was awarded the Honourable Mention at the International Photography Awards 2016 in the US.

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India & Pakistan. Who are you? Who am I? de Judith Döker, 26/07 a las 20h

Apertura Jueves, 26 de Julio, a las 20h

Las dos potencias nucleares India y Pakistán tienen una conocida relación hostil entre sí. La artista alemana Judith Döker eligió no solo retratar a estos dos países de una manera muy personal, sino también exhibirlos: uno al lado del otro. Esta decisión estuvo influenciada por las preguntas recurrentes que se le hicieron a Döker durante sus viajes a ambos lados de la frontera: ¿cómo está allí? ¿Es muy diferente?

La división del subcontinente indio en los estados independientes India (para los hindúes) y Pakistán (para los musulmanes) en 1947 marcó el final del dominio colonial británico en la región. Más de un millón fue víctima de esta división e innumerables familias fueron destrozadas. Hasta este día, apenas hay oportunidad para que los indios y los paquistaníes visiten el otro país respectivo.

Además de la división, la exposición “¿Quién eres tú? Who Am I? “Se enfoca en las imágenes cargadas de miedo que ambos países sufren internacionalmente. India es el más comúnmente asociado con casos de violación horribles desde 2012. Pakistán ha sido etiquetado como el “país más peligroso del mundo” por los medios de comunicación occidentales generalizados. Pero, ¿qué pasa con la vida cotidiana en estos países, más allá de estos extremos? ¿Los aspectos suaves y conmovedores de eso? Los aspectos humanos? Estos también son parte de la realidad cotidiana.
Enfocarse en estos aspectos puede construir puentes, en lugar de cavar zanjas – y es en estos aspectos que la mirada de Döker se asienta.

Una de las fotografías de esta serie fue galardonada con la Mención de Honor en los International Photography Awards 2016 en los Estados Unidos.

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