Course “Photographing the Unconscious” with Vitor Schietti
In its sixth edition, the workshop “Photographing the Unconscious” arrives for the first time in Barcelona.
The tutor Vitor Schietti and invited tutors propose a different approach to author photography. The focus is not so much on the techniques taught, although they are important tools, but in the creative process behind the access to the unconscious, and how to learn to express it through photography.
With more than 50 students already participating in 5 editions held in Brasília / Brazil, Photographing the Unconscious is a process of constant learning also for the tutor, with updates at each edition.
Long exposure photographic techniques, light painting and multiple exhibitions will be learned. We will also approach meditation techniques and the practice of lucid dreams.
The Espronceda Art and Culture Center will host the workshop as part of its cultural program and the classes will be taught in the gallery and in the center’s premises.
This first edition will be in Spanish. In short dates for an edition in English.
To enroll and know more about it, click on the image below which will direct you to Vitor Schietti’s website.
Below the video of the last edition in Brazil.