I had a flashback by Melissa Godoy Nieto
I had a flashback by Melissa Godoy Nieto
Opening 22nd of March, 7:30 pm (free event);
Melissa Godoy Nieto remembers her dreams very vividly almost every morning. So she started journaling them 2 years ago recognizing all the pieces they hold: memories, wish-fulfillment anxieties, struggles, fantasies, instincts, distortion, symbology, expressions of emotions. For the exhibition I Had a Flashback at Espronceda, Melissa has developed new work continuing this personal exploration of the unconscious. She has maintained her illustrated journal by drawing the dreams experienced at night during her stay as a resident artist. Along with it, she’s been experimenting the recreation of some of her recurring dreams and nightmares into three-dimensional pieces. Melissa believes that drawing her dreams has been like finding a key into a new doorway, embracing the free access that this gives her into her discoverable mind.
About the Artist
Melissa Godoy Nieto is a multidisciplinary artist born and raised in Mexico. She’s been based in New York City for 11 years where she studied Industrial Design at Pratt Institute. Drawing and painting have been her primary practices and dominant instruments she uses for exploring different formats such as performance, installation, sculpture, and video. She uses symbolism and images to explore states of mind and emotions, while expanding her practice experimenting with different mediums, spaces, patterns, structures, and collaborations. Her work has been exhibited and performed in galleries and art shows such as Spring/Break Art Show (NYC), BRIC House (NYC), Knockdown Center (NYC), Flux Factory (NYC), Platform Arts Center (Baltimore, MD), General Public Project Space and Pictoplasma (Berlin, Germany), The NARS Foundation (NYC), and MARCO Museum of Contemporary Art (Monterrey, Mexico).