Crosswords @ collective artists, November 14th, 19h
Opening 14th of November at 19h.
Exhibition from November 14th to 23rd.
Marta Juvanteny, Lucia Royo, Juano Ortiz, Monica Plans, Teresa Pera, Hannah Berestizhevsky, Yosman Botero, Alejandro Palacín, Irene Bou and Mireia de Juan, we are a group of artists that coincided at the Master’s Degree in Artistic Production and Research in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona. During this period we had the opportunity to share spaces, experiences and concerns.
The exhibition that we present at the Espronceda Center for Art and Culture is born from the desire to keep this dialogue open between research and interests. In a certain way, Crosswords could be explained as a curating exercise shared from within the artistic praxis. With it we highlight those meeting points from which heterogeneous lines of research and artistic creation flee, based on the game of multiple and unlimited relationships of a crossword puzzle.
About the artists:
Marta Juvanteny, Lucia Royo, Juano Ortiz, Monica Plans, Teresa Pera, Hannah Berestizhevsky, Yosman Botero, Alejandro Palacín, Irene Bou and Mireia de Juan