Roundtable @New tendencies in the art world: towards new models of artistic residences and cooperation – Sept 8th, 19h

Roundtable @New tendencies in the art world: towards new models of artistic residences and cooperation – Sept 8th, 19h


This debate wants to analyze the new role of art and culture nowadays towards new alliances. In particularly how the artist residence programs support influence the artistic career, which structures or models are used and if we are in presence of new kind of relationships between Art Centers, Gallery, Institutions, Museum, Private sector and so on. We could affirm that nowadays the art sector is changing and moving in a different way in exploring new way to collaborate?  Which impact have that new cooperation on the art field? Do we need a new, creative and culture strategy? What structure would be able to support and extend the reach and impact of creative and art policy in Europe and worldwide? How we can interact with the art market in maintaining a high quality and freedom?

The debate is in cooperation with the International Project Artist in Residence TV, First World Wide Web – TV and Art Laguna Prize.

Confirm your presence and invite others through our Facebook Event.

Roundtable @Noves tendències en el món de l’art: cap a nous models de residències artístiques i de cooperació – Set 8, 19h


Aquest debat pretén analitzar el nou paper de l’art i la cultura avui en dia cap a noves aliances. En particular, com influeixen els programes de residència d’artistes en la carrera artística, quines estructures o models s’utilitzen i si estem en presència de nous tipus de relacions entre Centres d’Art, Galeria, Institucions, Museu, Sector Privat, etc. Podríem afirmar que avui dia el sector de l’art està canviant i movent-se d’una manera diferent a explorar noves formes de col·laborar? Quin impacte té aquesta nova cooperació en el camp de l’art? Necessitem una estratègia nova, creativa i cultural? Quina estructura podria donar suport i ampliar l’abast i l’impacte de la política creativa i artística a Europa ia tot el món? Com podem interactuar amb el mercat de l’art per mantenir una alta qualitat i llibertat?

El debat està en cooperació amb l’artista internacional del projecte a la TV de la residència, el primer web de la tela – TV i el premi de l’art Llacuna.

Confirma la teva presència i convida a altres a través del nostre esdeveniment de Facebook.

Roundtable @New tendencies in the art world: towards new models of artistic residences and cooperation – Sept 8th, 19h


This debate wants to analyze the new role of art and culture nowadays towards new alliances. In particularly how the artist residence programs support influence the artistic career, which structures or models are used and if we are in presence of new kind of relationships between Art Centers, Gallery, Institutions, Museum, Private sector and so on. We could affirm that nowadays the art sector is changing and moving in a different way in exploring new way to collaborate?  Which impact have that new cooperation on the art field? Do we need a new, creative and culture strategy? What structure would be able to support and extend the reach and impact of creative and art policy in Europe and worldwide? How we can interact with the art market in maintaining a high quality and freedom?

The debate is in cooperation with the International Project Artist in Residence TV, First World Wide Web – TV and Art Laguna Prize.

Confirm your presence and invite others through our Facebook Event.